Monday, August 15, 2011

Meet Oliver!

Sorry it has been so long since I have blogged, but my evenings after work have been spent emailing every elementary school principal in several districts and letting them know I "exist" and I would be an asset to their school. So far no luck. This job hunting process has been getting harder and harder the closer we get to school starting on the 22nd. Brad has been really encouraging, but I am just so discouraged. I have emailed over 60 principals and have only heard back from 11 :( I am trying my hardest to stay positive until September, once schools will know how many students they will have for sure. Prayers are much appreciated for my job hunt.

In other news Brad and I added a new member to our family!
Meet Oliver "Ollie"!!!! He is a 2 month old Buff Tabby. We adopted him from the New Beginnings Cat Rescue that had brought several kittens to a Petsmart. Brad and I had been talking about getting a kitten all summer, but with all of our traveling we put it off until 2 weeks ago. We searched for 3 weeks before we found the perfect little guy to add to our family. Growing up I never had a pet so it took some convincing and the setting of some rules/guidelines for me to get a pet. LOL We brought him home and set him up in our guest bathroom so he could stay in there during the day/night while we were away or asleep. He is very active and a big talker! Today was his first day to not have to stay in the bathroom while we were away, and we didn't come home to any major damage! He is turning out to be a very sweet and cuddly kitten, in fact he is curled up next to me right now sleeping! Just presh!!!

Here are some pics from his first week in his new home!! 

Helping us put away leftovers!

Helping us do dishes!!

Sleeping belly up next to Brad on the couch!

Riding shotgun in my purse!
 We are looking forward to watching him grow and keep us company for many years to come!! We hope you are having a great work week and keeping cool wherever you may be!




Oliver is so cute. I love that pic of him in your purse. I wish I'd know you were looking for a cat. We could have given you Tuesday!

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