Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter weekend!

Brad and I had the most wonderful Easter weekend. Even though the weather was terrible all weekend including the drive up to Stillwater and back, our Easter was unforgettable!! We left Friday after work and we made great time getting to Stillwater, even though we had to pull off to the side of the road for bad weather. Our poor new car suffered through its first hail storm without and cover. Luckily the hail was small and didn't do any damage. We got into town late Friday and stopped by to see Haley (a good friend of mine in town from Colorado) we visited for a while then headed over to Meagan and Parker's house! We stayed up too late visiting like we always do then we went to bed!!

Saturday Brad and I woke up early to run some errands. We then all met up at Red Rock for lunch (of course b/c Brad can't go to Stillwater without eating there).
 Eating at Red Rock
After we ate lunch Brad and I headed over to the Presidents house for the Easter Egg hunt. We were able to visit more with Haley and the Hargroves (the family Haley used to nanny for). We watched the kids do the egg hunt which was so cute!!
Haley and I

Greer and I

Gale being silly!

Always shy!

The Easter Bunny!

The Hargrove's newest little boy Jones!

He is just so precious!
We left the egg hunt and headed back over to Meagan and Parker's. The boys watched basketball while Meagan came with me to the hair salon to get my hair fixed. We came back afterwards and made dinner and watched a movie! It was the perfect day! Our friends Heather and Mac even stopped by for a bit!! I love seeing everyone while were in town!!

Sunday we all woke and went to the early service at church so we could come back and make a big Easter lunch!! The tables were set up so pretty and we made such a massive lunch!! We all ate together and it was perfect Easter celebration!! Here are a few pictures from Easter Sunday!!

My brother Matt and Brad

Love these guys!

Our first Easter!

Meagan and I

Matt and I

Meagan and Parker! Our favorite married couple!

The girls! Jane, Meagan, and I.

the Neighbor roomies!

The handsome men!!

the table set!

Easter baskets

yummy food!

more yummy food!

the perfect plate of food?!?
For Easter lunch we had: Pot roast, mashed potatoes, gravy, asparagus, corn, pistachio pudding, rolls, and an amazing cake!
Jane made this amazing carrot cake!!

How cute and festive is that!!

We also decorated sugar cookies after lunch!! Let me just tell you we are extremely talented cookie decorators! 

We just love spending time with our friends!! Thanks for the hospitality Meagan and Parker and thanks Jane for all the goodies!! 

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!!


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Birthday post!

This is two days late, but my little Brother Ryan turned 20 on Thursday and I wanted to dedicate a post to him!

Happy Birthday Ryan!! 
Hope your day was wonderful! Here's to another year of memories!

Thursday after work Brad and I headed over to my Dad's house to have dinner and cake to celebrate! Ryan got a drum set a few weeks ago as an early birthday present and has been practicing ever since. For those of you who don't know Ryan, he is very talented in the music department. He can play the piano, guitar, and drums! He is so good at listening to a song and then figuring out how to play it by ear!! I took piano lessons for 8 years and he is still more talented than me! I love to listen to him play! He plays in the band at their church and he really enjoys it!

Here are some pics of me with my baby brother Ryan!!

The big 2 0!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A weekend of work and fun!

This weekend started off on Friday by eating at McCalisters for dinner. There was no one but us in the restaurant it was a perfect little date! We then hit up Barnes and Noble for some new books and then headed over to Wal-mart to pick up a few things for the week. I just love nights like this!! We got home and I studied and went to bed early because....

On Saturday I took the two tests I was required to take to receive my Texas Teaching Certification. I took the first one from 8am-12pm in Dallas, and the second one from 2-6pm in Arlington. Luckily I finished the first one around 10:30 so I was able to come home and shower and get ready. Brad informed me on Friday that someone at work had given him two tickets to the Kenny Chesney/ Zac Brown Band concert. Unfortunately the concert started at 4:30 and I wasn't sure if I was going to be done testing by then. So in between tests I got dressed and did my hair then laid out all my stuff so that I could come home and change real quick or Brad could bring it to me if I was running late. I fortunately finished my exam at 3:30, so I rushed home and changed. we were out the door by 4:15 headed back to Arlington to Cowboy's Stadium. I felt like I had driven all over Texas yesterday. Our tickets were suite level tickets and we had a parking pass that got us into reserved parking. Which meant we parked on the first row outside the stadium. Why cant we ever score that kind of parking for sporting events. I'm talking walk right out the stadium doors into your car. AMAZING!!! It was so easy to get out of there after the concert too!

Back to the tests... I thought they both went really well, but I unfortunately have to wait until May 16th for the results, but I am seeing a Texas Teaching License in the near future!!

The concert was incredible. We were able to see Billy Currington, Zac Brown Band (my favorite of the night), and then Kenny Chesney. There were so many people there it was packed and I am pretty sure sold out! Here are some pics...

Billy Currington

Zac Brown Band!!

This is how Kenny started his show!!

The concert was great! But after such a long day and waking up early for Sunday school and church this morning, I passed out today for a few hours! I love Sunday afternoon naps!! I am not quite ready for another week to start, but I am excited to go back to Stillwater this upcoming weekend for Easter!!! One of my really good friends Haley will be in town!!!!

Hope you have a great week in preparation for Easter!!


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Rangers and a run

 This past week Brad and I made plans to meet some friends at a rangers game on Tuesday night, but our friends ended up not being able to go. Of course Brad assumed I wouldn't want to go but to be honest his assumption comes from my complaining about how hot baseball games are. Well Tuesday the weather was beautiful so I was all for it!! Also their is nothing like ball park food!! YUMMY!!! I was wearing a jacket at the game and was still cold, but that beats the heat any day!! We only stayed till the 8th inning, but we were winning by a lot and it was getting late! I also was able to catch up with some old friends from high school who I hadn't seen since last summer! I love randomly bumping into old friends!! Here are some pics from the game!!

Go Rangers!!!!!

The rest of the week was pretty normal. Friday night Brad and I went to dinner and finally rented the movie Fighter. Brad has been wanting to see it and I could tell you honestly that the movie was decent up until the part where I fell asleep on the couch :( I am such an old lady sometimes. But granted I work 7:30 -5:30 M-F with 2 year olds. I should be tired I am not superwomen. Brad said the movie was good though in case you were wondering!

Today we woke up early (7:30 on a Saturday is just wrong) picked up breakfast and headed up to Plano to watch my dad race in a 5K for their church charity. There was about 700 people that ran the race and my dad finished 160. His time was 28.22 minutes. I think that is pretty impressive since he started training about 3 weeks before. I am hoping he will find another race and Brad and I will join him next time! I got two pictures of him running and they are of him on the last leg so everybody was pretty spread out at this point, but I promise he wasn't the only one running! lol

Brad and I just sat in our chairs and ate donuts while all these people went running by. Needless to say we felt pretty crappy about ourselves afterward. The winner of the race was a 15 year old boy, I am pretty sure he was born to run. He ran the 5K in 17 minutes. He was haulin it, let me tell you! It was really cool to see all the families out there running with their kids, what a great example they are showing them!! We headed to the house after the race and my dad and I went to run some errands to finish up his kitchen remodel. Then we came back and made homemade enchiladas and stuffed jalapenos. Delicious!! Brad and I came back to apartment, and I went straight to the pool to lay out for the first time this year. I may or may not have laid out to long on my back, because my frontside is bright red, and my backside is white. I guess tomorrow will be spent tanning my backside to even it out. lol

I feel like this weekend has been going by so slowly and I am enjoying every minute of it. I made a to do list on Friday and Brad and I were able to knock off half the list today!!! I just love lists, but I love crossing things off lists even more!!!!

Hope the rest of your weekend is wonderful!!
